Curry ChickenFrom the kitchen of: [deleted user] - reddit Curry paste: what to do with it |
Review: 4.0/5 This one worked pretty well. I need to add more curry paste than the recipe called for. If using green onions, add the onion whites with the vegetables, but save the onion greens for the garnish. Ingredients:
1 can coconut milk (coconut milk and water only) Directions: 1. Pour about one-third can of coconut milk into pan. 2. Simmer on high heat for a minute or so, then add a tablespoon (or two) of curry paste. 3. Reduce heat and stir to incorporate the paste into the milk. Keep stirring to avoid scorching. 4. After a few minutes (3-5) most of the liquid till evaporate and the paste will begin to clump together. If it doesn't, don't worry. 5. Add remaining coconut milk, a tablespoon of fish sauce, and a tablespoon of sugar. Stir in. 6. Add meat and vegetables. Bring to simmer. Cook till meat is done. 7. Garnish with cilantro leaves, thin sliced basil, or thin sliced kaffir lime leaves.