Sous Vide MeatsFrom the kitchen of: John Harrison |
Review: 4/5 This is a generic recipie for cooking meats using a sous vide. The recipie varies based on the meat, desired doneness, and desired tenderness. This is especially useful for cheaper cuts such as porkloin. Avoid most spices, especially garlic, until after the sous vide cooking is done. Ingredients:
Pork, or beef See below for example spices and glazes Directions: 1. Cut up meat to fit in ziplock bag. 2. Rub with kosher salt and pepper. 3. Place in ziplock bag. 4. Place bag in sous vide pot, use the water pressure to remove air from the bag, and seal. 5. Attach bag to side of pot using binder clips. Keep opening of bag above waterline. 6. Run sous vide at desired doneness temperature (example: 143F) for 36-48 hours till the meat is the desired tenderness. 36 hours will result in a very firm, but shreddable porkloin. 7. Take meat out and pat dry. 8. Rub with desired spices or glaze. 9. Broil on rack till exterior is done or glaze forms a crust. Less than 5 minutes. ---------------------------------- Example glaze:
Brown sugar Press onto meat. Broil till brown sugar forms a crust. ---------------------------------- Example meats: Pork:
Porkloin or babyback ribs Steak:
Temp: 130 (medium rare)